The mythologist Joseph Campbell, author of “Hero With a Thousand Faces,” showed us how the “Hero’s Journey” shows up in many stories and myths all around the world. These stories usually have various common elements, including:

The Call to Adventure – The hero is called upon to perform an urgent and crucial task. Sometimes the hero comes upon a mentor, who instructs the hero on what lies ahead on his journey..

Crossing the threshold – To accomplish the mission, the hero has to venture into an underworld, or other world hidden from common humanity.

Tests and Trials – The hero will necessarily meet obstacles on his journey, and will inevitably have to battle with monsters or other menacing adversaries.

Victory – The hero finally overcomes the tests and trial, receives a reward and returns home transformed.

This Hero’s Journey is not just a great adventure fantasy, it is the story of every human being. That is why it resonates with our human psyche, primarily on the subconscious level.

Depth psychology arose out of the understanding that human beings harbor thoughts, feelings and tendencies that are unconscious and as a result drive the personality in directions that are not healthy for self or for others.

On the spiritual level we can take this one step further. The Hero’s Journey is actually the journey to self-realization. Hidden in the unconscious is the jewel of our divine nature, and our Hero’s Journey on a spiritual level is to realize this–what C.G. Jung called “The Undiscovered Self.” (See “The Undiscovered Self: The Dilemma of the Individual in Modern Society”).

From this perspective, the elements of the Hero’s Journey are as follows::

The “Call to Adventure” is the awakening of the soul to the realization that “there is something more” than what is offered by this material world.

“Crossing the Threshold” is our venture into the unconscious mind through determined introspection.

The “Test and Trials” are the obstacles that we must face and seek to transform our human personality. The monsters and other adversaries are the ill-tendencies that we have harbored in our psyche, and in many cases have carried with us from past lives.

Our ultimate “Victory” is that we finally achieve purity of mind, discover our true nature, and live thereafter in a constant state of bliss and harmony.

The Enya song “May It Be,” which was written for Peter Jackson’s 2001 film “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,” is appropriately a song about the Hero’s Journey. The lyrics identify some of the key themes:

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
(May you receive blessings on your personal journey)

May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
(When you are tested may you not swerve from your purpose)

You walk a lonely road
Oh, how far you are from home
(Your spiritual journey is necessarily a lonely journey)

Believe and you will find your way
(Trust in the Divine and you will be guided)

When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
(When you overcome your ill-tendencies
You will realize your true Self)

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