Oddly what some religions have taught us about God have made it more difficult to connect with God, the source of supreme intelligence, unconditional love and joy. We are indeed made in the image of God and connecting with this most magical and divine source is our birthright!
First, we need to surrender the concept of separation from God, which can take many forms. God is “up there” and we are “down here.” We are a sinner and God is holy.
The consciousness that you are is a derivative of God’s consciousness. God lives and breathes through you. God is your very self.
We do not require anyone to intercede on our behalf. All that is necessary is that we direct our intention to God. How to do that?
With a feeling of openness and surrender, pray to God to reveal him/her/it-self to you. Ask that you be able to feel God’s constant presence.
If you are so inclined, picture God in the form of an ascended master or deity. God understands that it is difficult for many of us to conceive of him/her/it as the formless “all that is.”
Talk to God in the language of your heart. Think of God as your best friend and take this dear friend everywhere that you go, so that he is part of every moment of your life.
If you do this, your sense of separation will vanish and you will find your personality completely transformed.