When speaking of spiritual disciplines the practice of truth is rarely mentioned. Yet, it is a foundational virtue, and therefore of the utmost importance. The Indian sage Ramakrishna would often speak of the necessity of truth. To a disciple who uttered an untruth, he said: “[Speaking the truth] is the most important spiritual discipline. The virtue of truthfulness is most critical. If a man always speaks the truth, and tenaciously holds to the truth he will realize God, for God is Truth.”

The Mundaka Upanishad (3.1.6) declares that truthfulness leads to the highest goal: “Truth alone prevails, not falsehood. By following truth the seers traverse the way of the gods, having no other desire, leading to the greatest treasure.”

Patanjali states in his Yoga Sutras (2.36) that when the yogi is firmly established in the virtue of Truth, his speech becomes so powerful that whatever he speaks is manifested.

The greater reformer Gandhi spoke often of Truth as being the entire basis of his philosophy of life. He often spoke of Satyagraha, which could be translated as “the scrupulous regard for truth.” He spoke of it as a powerful force, saying that: “No power on earth can make a person do a thing against his will.” It was his belief in this soul force and its power that animated his movement, which culminated in India’s independence. When asked what is Truth, Gandhi would say it was revealed by the inner voice of the soul, when the ill-tendencies and clouds of ignorance were removed.

With this philosophy, it is not surprising that Gandhi was a Hindu and a devotee of Lord Rama, the deity known as the “Embodiment of Truth.” He even authored a book about the power of the name of Rama, entitled “Ramanama.” (See my book “Rama – The Embodiment of Truth, the Destroyer of Fear” for more information).



While still a child I became obsessed with the Biblical story of David and Goliath, and the Michelangelo sculpture of David. The story has great power, because it tells us that no matter the adversary that we face, if we align with the Divine we are sure to be victorious. We are not speaking here of our struggle to get that promotion or win that football game. We are speaking of the great battles of our life, when we are seeking to actualize the challenges and goals that are placed before us in our life’s journey. The adversary could be internal, such as the struggle to overcome an addiction or our anger issues.

To succeed we need to remember that all the power that we need is already within us, so we need to cast off all of the feelings of weakness. Meditate on the character of David and the power that he felt inside. Repeat internally the fourth affirmation from my “Be One” book:

“I am Divinely-empowered to meet any challenge or obstacle along my path.”

Remember that when you align with your purpose guidance and support will come to you from unseen forces. You never walk your path alone.

Affirmations, Karma and action


[This is part of a series of devotional poetry under the name “The Bhakti Chronicles.”]

I cast my fishing rod into the deep, hoping to find you there–you, the unfathomable, the greatest secret of all, the most hidden mystery.

Was I too timid before to pursue your greatness? Was I just another fool, drunk with the trinkets that you toss to your children for play?

Does my mantra cry to you? Will you come if called? Can I entrap you with my love? Is my love ample enough for your enormity?

I pursue you day and night like a hunter, laying out traps along my way, retracing my steps to see if you would allow yourself to be cornered out of compassion.

Sing to me as I walk in your garden of delight. Speak to me through the flowers. Touch me with a cool breeze. Tell me that I am yours.



The spiritual concept of non-attachment is often misunderstood, as it can be confused with indifference. With indifference we are unable to feel the suffering of others because there is the perception of a strong boundary between the self and others. However, there is another state in which we can be indifferent to experience and outcome while still caring for others.

The ancient Upanishads are full of pithy statements that are worthy of contemplation. One of my favorites is In the Katha Upanishad Part IV, v10: “What is here, the same is there and what is there, the same is here. He goes from death to death [i.e. reincarnation] who sees any difference.”

This is so contrary to our common perception of the world. Yet, in the eyes of the sage everyone and everything is Brahman–the Divine.

A somewhat similar statement is contained in the Ashtavakra Gita, from Chapter 3: “Recognizing that “I am That”, why run around like someone in need?”

Both of these statements speak to a state of consciousness in which the subject has realized that everything that he could desire is already contained within himself.

One could think that the sage who realizes such a state would selfishly withdraw from the world. However, in such a state everyone is perceived to be part of his very self, so there is the dawning of tremendous compassion. Therefore, one could describe this state as one of “Holy Indifference.”



[From time to time I plan to publish devotional poetry to be called “The Bhakti Chronicles”]

I would go to the mat for you, you who lie hidden in the enormous beauty of this grand planet.
Your silence speaks volumes. I can hear your silence, like a shower to flick the dust away.

You are alone, and yet the All Encompassing, beyond my imagination, the great Beloved.

Will there ever be a time when I can see and touch you–when you will sit next to me in the passenger seat and tell me when to make a left turn? Can I pull you to earth and patent you as if you were an idea? How silly the human brain!

Yesterday I pulled the shoes off my feet so I could feel you in the sands of the earth. The ocean was a stark blue, and your breeze rippled the water. I wanted to drown myself in the poetry of what I beheld, but then could I even drown in your glory?

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